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首頁(yè) > 最新公告通過(guò)獵頭找工作有哪些優(yōu)勢介紹?
來(lái)源:http://m.sgfangdichan.com 發(fā)布人:創(chuàng )始人 日期:2024-01-13


1、 Develop career direction

每個(gè)人都有自己的職業(yè)迷茫期,會(huì )感到焦慮,特別是在一份工作中,覺(jué)得現在工作不適應,薪酬待遇不是自己想要的,又找不到志同道合的伙伴一起協(xié)商,這時(shí)候如果你身邊有一位獵頭顧問(wèn)朋友,他能幫助你很好的制定清晰的職業(yè)規劃,旁觀(guān)者清,再者說(shuō)獵頭顧問(wèn)擁有豐富的閱歷,對行業(yè)的發(fā)展趨勢有自己的看法,工作職業(yè)匹配度較高,能根據你的自身的工作技能優(yōu)勢以及性格優(yōu)勢來(lái)進(jìn)行幫助你精心挑選適合的崗位。

Everyone has their own period of career confusion and anxiety, especially in a job where they feel that their current job is not suitable, their salary and benefits are not what they want, and they cannot find like-minded partners to negotiate with. At this time, if you have a headhunting consultant friend around you, he can help you formulate a clear career plan, and the observer can see clearly. In addition, headhunting consultants have rich experience, have their own views on the development trends of the industry, and have a high degree of job career matching. They can help you carefully select suitable positions based on your own job skills and personality advantages.


2、 Zero charge

在費用方面,大家都是非常關(guān)注的,獵頭顧問(wèn)幫助人才制定職業(yè)計劃,找合適工作機會(huì )等等這些都是不需要收取任何費用的,這對人才來(lái)說(shuō)也是一個(gè)非常好的福利,獵頭公司費用,由企業(yè)收取,與個(gè)人是沒(méi)有關(guān)系的,而且有獵頭公司推薦過(guò)去的人才,企業(yè)也是非常放心覺(jué)得安全可靠,個(gè)人也能得到企業(yè)的認可,這對人才無(wú)疑是百利而無(wú)一害。

In terms of fees, everyone is very concerned. Headhunting consultants help talents develop career plans, find suitable job opportunities, and so on, which do not require any fees. This is also a very good benefit for talents. Headhunting company fees are collected by the enterprise and have nothing to do with individuals. Moreover, when a headhunting company recommends past talents, the enterprise is very confident that they are safe and reliable, and individuals can also be recognized by the enterprise. This is undoubtedly beneficial to talents without any harm.


3、 Review enterprise qualifications

在幫助人才推薦合適的工作崗位同時(shí),獵頭顧問(wèn)會(huì )幫助人才先審核其公司的企業(yè)資質(zhì)以及信用情況,避免公司存在金融危機等影響人才的薪資待遇發(fā)放,讓人才在就業(yè)方面無(wú)任何隱患,推薦適合靠譜的工作職位是獵頭顧問(wèn)的職責所在。


While helping talents recommend suitable job positions, headhunting consultants will first review their company's corporate qualifications and credit situation to avoid financial crises and other factors that may affect the salary and benefits of talents, ensuring that talents have no hidden dangers in employment. It is the responsibility of headhunting consultants to recommend suitable and reliable job positions.


4、 Improve interview success rate

在人才需要應聘時(shí),獵頭顧問(wèn)會(huì )提前告知候選人面試時(shí)間地點(diǎn)以及注意事項,幫助人才做好應聘前的工作準備,包括服裝配飾、簡(jiǎn)歷表的制作、心理疏導等,提高人才的面試通過(guò)率,為人才做好進(jìn)入職場(chǎng)的第一個(gè)重要準備。

When talent needs to apply, headhunting consultants will inform candidates in advance of the interview time, location, and precautions to help them prepare for the job before application, including clothing and accessories, resume preparation, psychological counseling, etc., to improve the pass rate of talent interviews and prepare them for the first important step in entering the workplace.


5、 Provide career advice

在每個(gè)人的職業(yè)生涯中,會(huì )有多次職業(yè)變動(dòng),有些變動(dòng)確實(shí)是能幫助其升值加薪,但是有些變動(dòng),可能會(huì )弄巧成拙,若身邊有獵頭顧問(wèn)的朋友,不論是在職或者離職狀態(tài)他能夠給你較好的建議,讓你的職業(yè)之路走的更加順暢。

In everyone's career, there will be multiple career changes. Some changes can indeed help them appreciate their value and increase their salary, but some changes may backfire. If you have a friend of a headhunting consultant around you, whether in the current or resigned state, they can provide you with good advice to make your career path smoother.


6、 Understand market trends

高邦獵頭獨立開(kāi)發(fā)了業(yè)內極其領(lǐng)先的獵頭操作系統---“聚獵系統”,該系統實(shí)現了人才-公司-項目-顧問(wèn)的信息流閉環(huán)、數據的動(dòng)態(tài)更新和科學(xué)管理。若企業(yè)急需人才,會(huì )在系統中實(shí)時(shí)發(fā)布,如此一來(lái)獵頭顧問(wèn)能第一時(shí)間得到一手信息,幫助人才更快的匹配到優(yōu)質(zhì)崗位。

Gaobang Headhunter has independently developed the industry-leading headhunting operating system - "Ju Hunt System", which realizes the closed-loop information flow of talent company project consultant, dynamic updating of data, and scientific management. If a company urgently needs talent, it will publish it in real-time in the system, so that headhunting consultants can get first-hand information in a timely manner, helping talents match high-quality positions more quickly.