Find a good job through headhunting!
通過(guò)獵頭換工作,從獵頭公司獲得面試機會(huì ),與直接應聘相比,有何優(yōu)勢?,你了解目標的公司的具體情況,大概的薪酬范圍也能明白。其次,面試不成功也知道自己那點(diǎn)需要在加強。
What are the advantages of changing jobs through headhunting and obtaining interview opportunities from headhunting companies compared to applying directly? Firstly, you can understand the specific situation of the target company and the approximate salary range. Secondly, even if the interview was unsuccessful, I knew that I needed to strengthen my skills.
獵頭通過(guò)和hr長(cháng)期溝通,可以了解一些從網(wǎng)上不知道的情況,這些內部消息增加應聘者對于公司了解。其次,獵頭可以幫助候選人在面試時(shí)揚長(cháng)避短。,不管成功與否都會(huì )給候選人一個(gè)答復。
Headhunters, through long-term communication with HR, can gain insights into situations that are not known online, which can increase the candidate's understanding of the company. Secondly, headhunters can help candidates showcase their strengths and avoid weaknesses during interviews. Finally, regardless of success or failure, a response will be given to the candidate.
獵頭手上的職位都比較高端,待遇比較不錯。獵頭會(huì )按照你的簡(jiǎn)歷來(lái)工作,匹配度會(huì )高點(diǎn)。節省你很多的求職時(shí)間,只要面試出現一下,平時(shí)都可電話(huà)郵件聯(lián)系。敏感話(huà)題可以通過(guò)獵頭與企業(yè)社交(薪資,福利等)自己找工作就比較沒(méi)有目的,不能知道公司和HR那邊的情況和喜好,通過(guò)獵頭可以了解公司和公司的環(huán)境,更好投其所好,成功率會(huì )比較高。
The positions held by headhunters are relatively high-end and offer good compensation. Headhunters will recommend jobs based on your resume, resulting in a higher degree of matching. Save you a lot of job search time, as long as there is an interview, you can always contact us by phone or email. Sensitive topics can be addressed through headhunting and social networking with companies (such as salary, benefits, etc.). Finding a job on one's own is less purposeful and one cannot know the situation and preferences of the company and HR. Through headhunting, one can understand the company and its environment, better cater to their preferences, and have a higher success rate.
Another voice!
看到有網(wǎng)友在知乎上提了一個(gè)問(wèn)題:如果同一個(gè)崗位,公司hr在招聘,獵頭也在招聘,這份簡(jiǎn)歷應該投遞給公司hr還是投遞獵頭,看了一圈大家的回答,有90%的都是說(shuō)投遞給獵頭。其實(shí)從我的角度會(huì )建議投遞給公司hr,不建議投遞給獵頭,具體為什么,我下面從幾個(gè)角度進(jìn)行分析:
I saw a netizen asking a question on Zhihu: If the same position is being recruited by both HR and headhunters, should this resume be submitted to HR or headhunters? After reading everyone's answers, 90% of them said it should be submitted to headhunters. Actually, from my perspective, I would recommend submitting to the company's HR department rather than to headhunters. Specifically, I will analyze from several perspectives:
個(gè)點(diǎn),企業(yè)雇傭獵頭,都是給了傭金了的,那么對人才的要求也就高了,所以同樣一個(gè)崗位,企業(yè)招聘招聘篩選簡(jiǎn)歷的門(mén)檻,比獵頭高,舉個(gè)例子哈,你自己做事情,和你花錢(qián)找人做事情,你肯定對自己要求更低,對別人的要求更高,畢竟我花錢(qián)了的,所以從通過(guò)率來(lái)說(shuō),主動(dòng)投遞給hr通過(guò)率會(huì )更高!
The first point is that when companies hire headhunters, they pay commissions, which increases the requirements for talent. Therefore, for the same position, the threshold for companies to screen resumes in recruitment is higher than that of headhunters. For example, if you do things yourself and spend money to find people to do things, you will definitely have lower requirements for yourself and higher requirements for others. After all, I have paid for it, so in terms of pass rate, actively submitting to HR will have a higher pass rate!
第二個(gè)點(diǎn),企業(yè)在制定人才招聘計劃時(shí)候,每一個(gè)崗位都有一個(gè)固定的薪資范圍,也就是比如我現在招聘一個(gè)程序員,這個(gè)崗位的預算 多少,都是提前制定好的,那么雇傭獵頭招聘人才時(shí)候,需要按照人才年薪的20%-30%給獵頭傭金,這部分錢(qián)從哪里出?企業(yè)肯定不會(huì )另外出,而是從候選 新薪資里面扣。比如你本來(lái)自己找工作,談薪資能談到30w,現在通過(guò)獵頭,你只能爭取到24w,所謂中介商賺差價(jià),企業(yè)在招聘時(shí)候投入的招聘成本其實(shí)固定好,做過(guò)招聘的都知道,通過(guò)獵頭,你如果通過(guò),拿到的薪資更低
The second point is that when companies formulate talent recruitment plans, each position has a fixed salary range. For example, if I am currently recruiting a programmer, the budget for this position is predetermined. Therefore, when hiring a headhunter to recruit talent, they need to pay a commission of 20% -30% of the annual salary to the headhunter. Where will this money come from? The company will definitely not go out separately, but deduct it from the candidate's new salary. For example, if you were looking for a job on your own and could negotiate a salary of 300000 yuan, now through headhunting, you can only strive for 240000 yuan. As the saying goes, intermediaries make the difference, and the recruitment costs invested by companies in recruitment are actually fixed. Those who have done recruitment know that through headhunting, if you pass, you will receive a lower salary
第三個(gè)點(diǎn),一般獵頭都是帶有目的性的,因為你入職了,他就能轉到傭金,所以會(huì )出現的情況是,很多獵頭處于利益考慮,會(huì )想近各種辦法說(shuō)服你接受offer,不會(huì )考慮這個(gè)機會(huì )是否符合你自己下一個(gè)階段的職業(yè)規劃,當然很多獵頭其實(shí)也不太懂人才成長(cháng)和職業(yè)規劃的東西(當然少量人品和能力不錯的獵頭除外,沒(méi)有任何貶低的意思),這樣對方會(huì )給你傳遞很多錯誤的信息,影響你的選擇。
The third point is that most headhunters are purposeful because once you join, they can transfer the commission. Therefore, many headhunters may try various ways to persuade you to accept the offer for their own benefit, without considering whether the opportunity is in line with your next stage of career planning. Of course, many headhunters do not understand talent growth and career planning very well (except for a small number of headhunters with good character and ability, without any derogatory meaning), which will send you a lot of wrong information and affect your choice.
第四個(gè)點(diǎn),從面試的角度,我們拿到一家公司面試邀請時(shí)候,也就是從關(guān)注這個(gè)崗位開(kāi)始,就是在獲取面試信息,給自己后面的面試做準備,對于獵頭來(lái)說(shuō),屬于中介商,他們也是甲方給了需求之后,簡(jiǎn)單整理需求進(jìn)行招聘,其實(shí)對甲方的業(yè)務(wù),團隊配置,崗位真實(shí)要求都沒(méi)有公司自己的hr更了解,所以如果你想為面試做準備,了解更多崗位相關(guān)的信息,肯定是從hr渠道能獲取更多有價(jià)值的信息,畢竟信息在傳遞的過(guò)程中會(huì )存在接受誤差的問(wèn)題。
The fourth point, from the perspective of interviews, when we receive an interview invitation from a company, that is, starting from paying attention to the position, we are obtaining interview information and preparing for our future interviews. For headhunters, they belong to intermediaries. They are also the first party to provide requirements and simply organize the requirements for recruitment. In fact, they do not have a better understanding of the first party's business, team configuration, and actual job requirements than the company's own HR. Therefore, if you want to prepare for the interview and learn more about the relevant information of the position, you can definitely obtain more valuable information from HR channels, after all, there may be acceptance errors in the process of information transmission.
本文由 山東獵頭公司 友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊 http://m.sgfangdichan.com 真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.
This article is a friendly contribution from a headhunting company in Shandong. For more related knowledge, please click http://m.sgfangdichan.com Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone